Accessing web-based email
If you haven't configured an email client, or are on a computer without one configured for your account, you can access your email through a web page. To get to your email, you can do one of the following (substitute your own domain name for
1) Go to
2) Go to
You will come to a page with two options. If you don't know whether your firewall is working, you should first try "If you are not behind a firewall that blocks port 2096" (the option on the left). If this does not work, or you know that your firewall is working, you should try "If you are behind a firewall that blocks port 2096" on the right.
3) Go to
Note: You may receive a notice about a certificate error. This is okay. Just accept the certificate or add an exception, and continue.
When prompted for your username and password, use your full email address as your username (e.g.,, with your password.
You will have two options for webmail programs: Squirrelmail and Roundcube. Which one you use does not matter, apart from the appearance and features available. It is, however, very important to note that address books are not shared between the two programs. Most people will probably prefer Roundcube.
See Also

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